Curriculum Vitae
Forename : TEODOR
Date of birth : 22nd of october 1952
Sex : masculine
Nationality : romanian
Marital status : married
Children : one daughter: Stamate Iulia Georgiana
Wife : Stamate Mariana Georgeta, Profession – MD.
Address : Str. Anastasie Panu nr. 34, bl. 2-A, Tronson IV, et. 2, ap. 8. Iasi 6600
Mother : Stamate Serbana, deceased
Father : Stamate Iacob, deceased
Work : Professor - University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr.T.Popa IASI"
Manager of Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive Surgery and Burns
Emergency Hospital , Str. G-ral Berthelot nr.2, IASI , Romania
Tel.: 0040 232 261 750; 0744 57 38 29
Fax: 0040 0232 216 588
E-mail :
1969-1971 - "Spiru Haret" High School, Tulcea
1972-1978 - University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr.T.Popa" IASI
General practitioner: 1978 - 1981 - "Sf. Spiridon" Hospital Iasi
- neurosurgery - 1984 - "Gh. Marinescu" Hospital Bucuresti. Clinic of Neurosurgery, Prof. Dr. C. Arsene
- plastic and reconstructive surgery - 1985 - 1988 - Hospital of Plastic and Reparatory, Bucarest, Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu
- advanced registrar in plastic and reconstructive surgery confirmed by Health Ministry Order nr. 392/30.11.1988
Place of work:
- Emergency Hospital Iasi , Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive and Burns confirmed by Health Ministry Order nr.329/1988.
- March 1991 - exam for admittance to the doctorate with the theme: "Reconstructive microsurgery for posttraumatic lesions of peripheral nerves"
- 1991-1992 - high specialization stage "SOS Main" Strasbourg, France (Guy Foucher)
- 1994 - high specialization stage in microsurgery to the European Institute of Microsurgery and Biomaterials stage - Nancy , France (Prof. Michel Merle, Prof. Louis De'Medinacelli )
- 1994 - confirmed consultant surgeon in plastic, reconstructive surgery by Health Ministry Order nr. 1083/1994
- 1996 - high specialization to Feugrais Hospital - Rouen - France (Prof. Dr. Olivier Lemarchant)
- 1996 - high specialization in Clinic of Plastic Surgery- University Albert Ludwig - Freiburg , Germany (Prof. G. Stark)
- Doctor in Medical Sciences - Dec. 1997 (confirmed by Health Ministry Order 3428)
- 1997 - Manager of Emergency Hospital - named by Health Ministry Order nr. 18/ Apr.09.1997 to Apr. 23.2001.
- 1998 - Assoc. Prof. at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr. T. Popa" IASI , confirmed by Health Ministry Order nr. 4083/1998.
- The Chief and promoter of the Pilot Center SOS HAND Iasi – included in the European circuit: more than 500 replantations
- 2001 - Manager of the Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive Surgery and Burns , confirmed by Health Ministry Order nr. 146 /19.03.2001.
- 2002 - Vice-manager of Iasi Public Health Directorate 1.10.2002- 1.03.2003
- Manager of Emergency Hospital , Iasi from 15.03.2003 (up to present)
- 2004 - Professor - Iasi University of Medicine and Pharmacy - certified by University Senate - Iasi 22.01.2004 and by OMEC nr. 3895/25 .05.2004.
- Research Project Manager - national research program nr 275 /2004 VIASAN ( poz. nr 181)
Clinical experience: In 25 years of medical practice I realized more than 20.000 operations, from them 15.000 like first operator. So I promoted 20 prime techniques in Iasi, 15 (fifteen) personal techniques and one world premiere technique.
World premiere surgical technique:
- Stamate T. - "Religious Motivation for a Left to Right Hand Healthy Index Transfer" The Second Congress of the World Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery (WSRM), Heidelberg, Germany , June 11-14, 2003 .
Personal techniques and/or national premiere (19) :
Achilian tendon reconstruction by free transfer of inervated compound chinese flap . Stamate, T ., Sirbu P., Lazar A.N. The III-rd Symposium of Microchirurgie, Cluj-Napoca . 1992.
Neuro-muscular Brunelli neurotization - Stamate, T. , Chirila, C., Ciuc, C., Lazar, A., Gherghel, D. "Brunelli neurotization in microchirurgical repair of distal radial nerve". The III-rd Symposium of Microchirurgie, Cluj-Napoca . 1992, published în Rom.J.Plast. Surg. vol.VI. 2: 65-71; 1998.
Compound free tegumentary and tendinous vascularized flap in dorsal defect of the thumb repair Stamate T. , Pieptu D., Lazar A., Budurca A.R., Guguila, M. The XVII-th Congress of Romanian Society of Surgery. Iasi . 1993
Hentz free transfer utility - Stamate, T. , Lazar, A., Budurca, A.R., Guguila, M . “Hentz free flap transfer utility in one case of reconstruction of dorsal side of the hand" The XVII-th Congress of Romanian Society of Surgery, Iasi, 1993
Island mini-flap at the hand and fingers - Stamate T. " Miniature flap in hand surgery " Congress of Moldavian Surgeons, Piatra Neamt, 1993
Free great omentum transfer used for coverage of the fronto-parietal soft tissue defects with opened frontal sinus Stamate T , First National Reunion of Physiopathology,Iasi, 1995
Double free transfer of the serratus anterior and radial flap in pelvic limb reconstruction – case presentation Stamate T., Budurca A.R., Lazar A.N. – The 3-rd National Congress of Microsurgery. Timisoara . 1998
Applications of Jabaley si Koman-Steinberg principles in direct coaptation or grafting of the ulnar and median nerves - Stamate T. , A. N. Lazar, A. R. Budurca, Mariana Stamate "Result comparison in median and ulnar nerves reconstruction in the forearm by the Jabaley epineural splint technique and conventional fascicular group neuroraphy" The V-th Congress of EFSM, Coimbra , Portugal, 2000
The aplication of the principles of the Jabaley and Steinberg intervetions in cubital and median nerve microsurgical grafting Stamate T. , "The application of the principles of the Jabaley and Steinberg interventions in cubital and median nerve grafting in the distal third of the forearm" The VII-th Congress of FESSH , Barcelona , Spain . 21-24.06.2000
Distal glomic tumor Stamate T. "Distal glomic tumor" The XIII-th National Congress Plastic Reconstructive and Esthetic Surgery, Sinaia, 12-15 may 2001
Breast implants used in Poland syndrome treatment - Stamate T. Camelia Tamas, A.R. Budurca, Oana Hermeziu, Mihaela Pertea "Breast implants used in Poland syndrome treatment". The XIII-th National Congress Plastic Reconstructive and Esthetic Surgery , Sinaia , 12-15 may 2001.
Hand reconstruction using unique or multiple foot fingers by microsurgical transfer - Stamate, T. , Budurca, R., Tamas, C., Hermeziu, O., Pertea, M. Hand reconstruction using unique or multiple foot fingers by microsurgical transfer The IV-th National Congress of Hand Surgery. Bucuresti, October 2002, published in "Rev. Med. Chir". Soc. Med. Nat .,vol 107, nr.1, 2003, pag 140-147.
Using Morison - Wraparound technique - Stamate, T. "Wraparound versus loco-regional flaps in bilateral thumb degloving" . The IV-th National Congress of hand Surgery. Bucuresti October 2002
Peroneal vascularised transfer included in a composite flap - Stamate T ., A.R. Budurca "Microsurgical transfer of the osteo-mio-fascio-cutaneo peroneus composite flap in III - B fracture of the gamba - case presentation". USSM Iasi, Surgical Section, september 2002 and published in Rev. Med. Chir.Soc. Med. Nat ., Iasi . vol.106, nr.3, 2002, pag. 611-613.
Two types of neurotisation associated in brachial plexus paralysis - Stamate T . Neuro-neuronal and neuro-muscular neuroraphy combination with musculo-tendineo transfer for brachial plex paralizia. Prezented at Sesiunea Academiei de Stiinte Medicale . Bucuresti. Aprilie 2002
The Ochiai technique application for peripheral nerve grafting - Stamate, T., Budurca, R. "The Ochiai technique for peripheral nerve grafting in upper limb" presented at the VIII-th Congress of the Federation of the European Societies for the Surgery of the Hand Amsterdam . 22 - 25 May 2002 ,
The Ochiai technique in neuro-neuronal anasthomosis with intercostals nervs Stamate T. *, Budurca A.R. *, Stamate Mariana ** "Elbow flexion restoration by muscular transfers combined with biceps neurotisation in brachial plexus palsy" The IX-th Congress of Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Lisabona , Portugalia, 25-28 iunie, 2003.
The Planas Technique application in gigantomasty - Stamate T., Camelia Tamas, Budurca A.R., Lazar A., -"Our experience in the treatment of gigantomasty using the Planas Technique" - The III-rd Balkan Congress for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery , Iasi , Romania, 21-24 Mai, 2003 si publicata în Rom.J.Plast. Surg. 2002, vol.X, nr. 1-2 : pag 513 – 519
Microsurgical replantation of auricular pavilion - 2004 (in publishing).
Research starting in 1991 with the studies for doctor degree. Coordinator for 3 programs :
- "Investigators Antibiotics" Theraveance - USA (10.05.2001 - 10.11.2002);
- Application of Sorbalgonului in burns - Hartmann Firm - Austria (05.01.2003 - 01.05.2003);
- Fitostimuline-Antibiotic in treatment of burn lesions - Protocol IS Pharm DAM/001/03 VERSION May 10, 2004 - EDRACT Nr. 21004-000422-7 (01.10.2004 - 01.10.2005)
Director of Viasan Research Project de - national program of research nr 275/2004 VIASAN (poz.181 internet table
Member of National Scientifiques Societies :
- Vice-president of Hand Surgery Society (1996 - 2004) founder member SRCM
- Member in staff of Romanian Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery - founder member - SRMR -1992
- Member in staff of Romanian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - din 1994
- Member in staff of Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons (ROAPS) and founder member - 2004
- Head of European Commission for Hand Surgery and Representative of ROAPS (Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons) to FESSH and ESPRAS
- Member in Health Ministry Board for Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery
- Member of High Discipline Committee Romanian Medical Board
Member of Scientific Committee at three publications:
a) Romanian Journal of Plastic Surgery (1992-1996);
b) Romanian Journal of Plastic Surgery (1996) and
c) Romanian Journal of Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery (1994)
d) Annals of Plastic Surgery (2004)
Member of the Committee of Plastic and Microsurgery Researching and Evaluation CNCSIS - research projects in Education and Research Ministry (2001)
Member of Scientific Committees of International and professional Societies:
- Member of European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery (EFSM) 1998, Corfu
- Member of International Federation of Societies for Microsurgery (IFSM) 1998, Corfu .
- Member of International Federation of the Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH) 1999, Bonn .
- Member of Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) 1999, Bonn .
- Member of European Federation of "SOS Hand" Centers - 1998
- Member of European Burn Association ( EBA ) - 1999
- Founder member - 1999 - of Balkan Association for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery ( BAPRAS ) ;
- President of BAPRAS starting January 2002;
- Honoree Member of ITALIAN Society of Microsurgery - SIM - 2001;
- Member of Scientific Committee of European Society for Research in Microsurgery (EMRA)
- Member of Redaction Committee of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) "The hand - primary care" (FESSH Project - Amsterdam , 2002)
- Member of World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery ( WSRM ), 2003, Heidelberg .
- Member of European Academy for Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology (EAMN) - 2004, Brescia .
Delegate for Romania to ESPRAS (European Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery) representative for ACPR ( Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons ) , 2004 - 2005.
Organizer of the international scientific manifestation (chairman, co-chairman) / member in programs committee:
- President 3-rd SRCM National Congress and 4-th SRMR Congress -09-13 MAI- IASI -2000. With international participation;
- Member in the program committee of Round table: Replantation - Microsurgical Reconstruction , Chairman - of the 8-th IFSSH Congress - Istanbul , Turkey , 10-14.06.2001.
- Member in Scientific Committee and Chairman of the V-th Congress of EFSM, Coimbra , Portugal (European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery), 01-04.06.2000.
- Chairman of the V-th Congress of ITALYn Society for Research in Microsurgery, 28-29 sept.2002, Argentario (Roma), ITALY .
- Chairman of International Congress for Hand-Upper Extremity Surgery & Microsurgery - 28-31 August 2002, Corfu-GREECE
- President of the III-rd BAPRAS Congress 21-24 Mai-IASI - 2003 (Chairman and co-chairman).
- Chairman at "The hand primary care (FESSH Project) of the 41 Congresso Nazionale SICM - Societa ITALYna di Chirurgia della Mano - 04-07. 10. 2003 - Cagliari , ITALY
- Chairman and Invited Speaker for The 9-th Congress of the Euro Academia Multidisciplinaria Neurologica (EAMN), May, 19-22, Bucharest , 2004.
- Chairman and Invited Speaker for the Post-IFSSH Congress 2004, Bucharest , June 19-21, 2004 .
- Chairman at the 1st World Congress of the Academy for Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology (AMN) and 5th International Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair, 26-31 march 2004, Brescia , ITALY .
Professor invited speaker to prestigious Universities from foreign countries:
- Invited Professor to the University of Medicine from Ioannina , Greece at the XV Seminary of Microsurgery, May 1999 - organized by EFSM.
- Invited Professor to the University of Medicine from CRETA (Iraklio) Greece at the XVI-th Seminary of Microsurgery, 05-09 July 2000 organized by EFSM.
- Invited Professor to the University of Medicine from Ioannina , Greece : Course of Microsurgery, Invited speaker at the XVII-th Seminary of Microsurgery 2001 organized by EFSM.
- Invited Professor to the University of Medicine from Brescia and to EFSSH for the 19 Corso Superiore di Chirurgia della Mano - 7a Edizione Europea , BRESCIA , Italy , 15-18 October 2001.
- Invited Professor to the IX-th International Interdisciplinary Course of Microsurgery organized by the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Roma, Course of Microsurgery - "Basic techniques in peripheral nervous microsurgery and clinical applications." ROMA – Italy , 11–13 December 2001.
- Invited Professor of University of Medicine from TORINO - Italy , "VII Corso Teorico Practico di Microchirurgia Reconstructiva" 25-29.03.2003
- Invited Speaker la of VIII-th World Congress of International Federations for Hand Surgery (IFFSH World Hand Congress) - Istanbul , TURKEY , 10-14 IUNIE 2001
- Invited Speaker to the XIX-th Congress of ITALYn Society of Microsurgery - SIM - with the paperwork entitled: Microsurgery - between miracle and reality, Universita "La Sapienza" Roma - ITALY - 14-15 December 2001:
- Invited Speaker - lector and instructor - at the VIII-th Practical International Course of Microsurgery, Poiana Brasov, 05-08 march 2002
- Invited Speaker - International Congress of Hand-Upper Extremity Surgery & Microsurgery - 28-31 August 2002, Corfu-GREECE
- Invited Speaker - 41 Congresso Nazionale SICM -Societa ITALY na di Chirurgia della Mano - 04-07.10.2003 - Cagliari , ITALY
- Invited Speaker - 5th International "Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair" & the "1st Congress of the World Academy for Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology" 19.03.2004 - 01.04.2004 Brescia , ITALY
- 2 Monographs - Author
- 3 Treaties - Coauthor
Author for 2 Monographs:
- Stamate Teodor - "Microchirurgia reconstructiva a nervilor periferici (Peripheral nerves microsurgery) ", - monografie, 573 pgini - Editura Tehnopress. ISBN 973-98277-2-1. Iasi. 1998
- Stamate Teodor (under aut.) "Arsurile. Clinica si tratament (Burns. Clinics and treatment)" - Editura Apollonia. Iasi. 2002. ISBN 973-9333-83-4 (302 pagini)
Coauthor for 3 treaties:
1) Treaty "CHIRURGIE GENERALA (GENERAL SURGERY)" under authority of Prof. Dr. Costel Plesa, Editura Timpul, ISBN 973-612-020-1. Iasi 2002 - three capitols - hand trauma, burns and could lesions (pag. 317-409)
- Stamate Teodor, "Traumatismele mainii (Hand trauma). Cap. 14 "on Chirurgie Generala (General Surgery), Second Edition under authority of Prof. Dr. Costel Plesa, Editura Timpul, ISBN 973-612-020-1. Iasi 2002
- Stamate Teodor, Pieptu Dragos - "Arsurile (Burns). Cap. 15" in Chirurgie Generala (General Surgery), Second Edition under authority of Prof. Dr. Costel Plesa, Editura Timpul, ISBN 973-612-020-1. Iasi 2002
- Stamate Teodor "Degeraturile (Cold lesions). Cap. 16" on Chirurgie Generala (General Surgery) Second Edition under authorit of Prof. Dr. Costel Plesa, Editura Timpul, ISBN 973-612-020-1. Iasi 2002
2) Treaty "Principles of Reconstructive Plastic and Microsurgery", ISBN 973-659-117-4, Editura National, Bucuresti , 2005 under authority of Prof. Dr. Lascar Ioan – author of 2 capitols (X and XI):
a) Replantation and revascularization at the extremities level - (pag.197 - 297)
b) Basic principles of musculo-cutaneos flap prelevation (pag.217 - 236)
In publishing: Editura Atheneu, BRASIL - 2004 .
Stamate Teodor - Co Worker - Part "Wounds of Peripheral Nerves - Clinical Examination" in treaty "RECONSTRUCTION MICROSURGERY " sub redactia Pedro Bijos, Joao Recalde Rocha, Marcus Gastro Ferreira and Arnaldo Zumiotti - sub tipar la Editora Atheneu Sao Paulo - Rio de Janeiro-Ribeirao Preto-Belo Horizonte, BRASIL - 2006.
- 1998 - Participant of IV-th Congress of European Federation of Societies of Microsurgery (EFSM) - Corfu , Greece
- 1998 - Participant of XIV-th Congress of International Societies de Microsurgery (IMS) - Corfu , Greece
- 1999 - Participant of First Balcanic Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - Thessaloniki , Greece
- 1999 - Invited Professor of University of Medicine from Ioannina , Greece for XV-th Seminary of Microsurgery organized by EFSM where the paperwork's I have presented was distinguished with Symposium Plate
- 1999 - Participant at the VI-th Congress of Federation of European Societies of Hand Surgery (FESSH) - Bonn , Germany
- 2000 - Member in Scientific Committee and Chairman at the V-th Congress of EFSM, Coimbra , Portugal (European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery - EFSM ), 01-04.06.2001.
- 2000 - Participant at the VII-th Congress of FESSH, Barcelona , Spain
- 2000, Invited speaker: Course of Microsurgery – Ioannina – Greece
- 2001- Invited speaker - Replantation-Microsurgical Reconstruction, 8-th IFSSH - Istanbul , Turkey , 10-14.06. 2001.
- 2001- Post-Congress FESSH - Meeting, Mini-Invasive Surgery: Looking for a Definition Roma , ITALY , 15-17 June 2001
- 2001 - Invited Professor of the VIII-th International Seminary of Microsurgery Athena , GREECE , 20-25 June, and Ioannina during 27 June - 1 July;
- 2001 - The 9-th Congress of European Association of Burns (9-eme Congres de l'Assocation Européene de la Brûlure), Lyon, FRANCE, 12-15 September 2001
- 2001 - Invited Professor 19 Corso Superiore di Chirurgia della Mano - 7a Edizione Europea - Brescia , ITALY , 15-18 October 2001
- 2001 - Invited Professor to the IX-th International Interdisciplinary Course of Microsurgery - : International Course of Microsurgery - Roma, ITALY - 11 - 13 December 2001 - "Basic techniques in peripheral nervous microsurgery and clinical applications."
- 2002 - First BAPRAS Symposium (Balkan Association for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery) – "Synthetic Skin Substitutes" - Thessaloniki , GREECE ,18-19 January 2002
- 2002 - President of Balcanic Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aestheic Surgery - BAPRAS - President, unanimity elected at Thessaloniki, 18.01.2002);
- 2002 - the VIII-th Congress of Federation of European Societies for Hand Surgery, 22-25 May 2002, Amsterdam , HOLAND;
- 2002 - Invited Speaker and Chairman - International Congress of Hand-Upper Extremity Surgery & Microsurgery - 28-31 August 2002, Corfu- GREECE;
- 2002 - participant of 40-th Congress of Italian Society of Hand Surgery. Florenta . ITALY , 25-27 September 2002 ;
- 2002 - Invited speaker and chairman : The 5-th meeting of the Italian Society of Microsurgery. Argentario - ITALY - 28-29.09.2002
- 2003 - President of the 3-th BAPRAS Congress ( B alkan A ssociation for P lastique, R econstructive and A esthetic S urgery) - Iasi , 21-24 May 2003 .
- 2003 - Participant of the Second Congress of the World Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery ( WSRM ), Heidelberg . Germany , 11-14 June 2003;
- 2003 - Participant of IX-le Congress of European Society of Hand Surgery (FESSH) 25-28 June 2003 - Lisabona - Portugal
- 41-st National Congress SICM, Società Italiana di Chirurgia della Mano 37 th National Congress SSCM, Société Suisse de Chirurgie de la Main - October 4-7 2003 , Cagliari ITALY
- 1st Congress of the World Academy for Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology & the 5th International Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair- 19.03.2004 - 01.04.2004 - Brescia ITALY
- Invited Speaker and Chairman for the 9-th Congress of the Euro Academia Multidisciplinaria Neurologica (EAMN), May, 19-22, Bucharest , 2004.
- Invited Speaker and Chairman for the Post-IFSSH Congress 2004, Bucharest June 19-21, 2004 .
- Invited Speaker and Instructor la of 15-th International Practical Seminary of Microsurgery, Romania , Iasi , 2-5 March 2005 .
- XXI Congresso Nationale della Societa Italiana di Microchirurgia, TORINO Italy, 6 – 7 May, 2005.
- Invited Professor to the XXI-st International Seminary of Microsurgery Lefkada GREECE 24-26 June 2005.
- Invited Speaker to the "First international course of Hand Surgery and Postoperative Rehabilitation", Cluj-Napoca , Romania ,23rd-25th of September, 2005.
- Delegate of Romania from the part of ACPR (Plastic Surgeons Association) at the X-th Congress ESPRAS (European Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery), Vienna , 30.08.-03.09.2005
- 1989 - National Conference of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Deva
- 1990 - National Conference of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Buzau
- 1992 - The III-th Symposium of Microsurgery, of IX-th Symposium of Romanian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Cluj-Napoca
- 1992 - The V-th National Congress of Trauma and Orthopedic Society - Iasi
- 1992 - Annual meeting of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Timisoara
- 1993 - Moldavian Surgeons Congress, Piatra Neamt - First Prize for the best paperwork "Miniatural flaps in Surgery of the Hand"
- 1993 - The XVII-th National Congress of Romanian Society of Surgery, Iasi
- 1994 - First Congress of Microsurgery, Cluj-Napoca
- 1995 - First National Meeting of Physiopathology, Iasi
- 1995 - First Congress of Hand Surgery, Poiana Brasov
- 1996 - National Symposium "Aesthetic and Reconstructive Orbito-palpebral Surgery" Iasi
- 1996 - The II-nd National Congress of Microsurgery. Poiana Brasov
- 1997 - The XI-th National Congress Of Romanian Society of Plastic Surgery, Cluj-Napoca
- 1998 - The II-th Congress of Romanian Society of Hand Surgery and the III-rd National Congress of Microsurgery, Timisoara
- 1999 - II-nd Balcanic Congress of Trauma and Orthopedic Society, Iasi
- 1999 - Anniversary symposium "120 years of University of Medicine "Gr.T. Popa - Iasi ", distinguish with Anniversary Plate from the part of the Dean of Bioengineering Faculty of UMF-Iasi. Organizer of round table with theme "Microsurgery – Border Sicence"
- 2000 - President of the III-rd Congress of Hand Surgery and the IV-th National Congress of Microsurgery, Iasi , 09-13 May 2000,
- 2001- the III-rd International Conference of Surgery, Iasi ;15-17 June 2001
- 2001- the XIII-th National Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Sinaia , 19-22 September 2001;
- 2002 - the 8-th International Course of Microsurgery, Poiana Brasov , March, 2002;
- 2002 - the V-th National Congress Reconstructive Microsurgery and the lV-th National Congress of Hand Surgery 25th-27th of October 2002 , Bucuresti, - distinguish with Congress Plate and Honory Diploma for the contribution to the development of Romanian Society of Hand Surgery ( SRCM )
- 2003 - the XIV-th National Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery ( ROPRAS ) - IASI , 21-24 May,2003.
- Symposium "Breast Reconstruction", Timisoara , 10-11 October 2003.
- 2003 - Anniversary Simposium "124 de ani de la infiintarea Universitatii de Medicina "Gr.T. Popa - Iasi " - 25-28 noiembrie,2003.
- 2004 - First Congress of the Association of Plastic surgeons from Romania, (ACPR), Sinaia , 06-09, Oct., 2004.
- 2004 - Anniversary symposium "125 years of University of Medicine "Gr.T. Popa - Iasi - 18 November, 2004 .
- Annual Meeting of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Sinaia , Romania , 13 - 15 October 2005.
PUBLISHED PAPERS - 89 = 36 + 53
FIRST AUTHOR for 113 papers
Honoree Member of Italian Society of Microsurgery (S.I.M.) 12 December 2001 , Roma ITALY .
Distinguished with the Seminary Plate "The 15-th Microsurgery Seminary", 7-11 July,1999 Ioannina , Greece .
Distinguished with the Seminary Plate "The 16-th Microsurgery Seminar", 5-9 July, 2000 Iraklio Creta.
Distinguished with the Medal and Seminary Plate "The 17-th Microsurgery Seminar", 27 June - 1 July, 2001 Ioannina Greece .
Distinguished with the Silver Medal at "The XIX Corso avanzato di chirurgia della mano", 2001 Brescia ITALY .
Mentioned in "Romanian Medical Encyclopedia - SECOLUL XX," 2001, Bucuresti.
Distinguished with the Seminary Plate , "the 18-th Microsurgery Seminar", 23-27 august, 2002 Corfu GREECE .
Distinguished with the Plate of "The Congress of Plastic Surgery", 16-19 October, 2002 Bucuresti.
Honoree Member of Romanian Society of Hand Surgery, 19 October, 2002 Bucuresti .
Distinguished with the Congress Plate ,"The III-rd BAPRAS and the XIV-th ROPRAS Congress", 21-24 May, 2003 Iasi .
Distinguished with the Plate of the Post-FESSH Congress, Bucuresti 19-21 June, 2004.
Honoree Member of Association of Romanian Plastic Surgeons, Sinaia, 9 October, 2004 .